Slovak Matchmaking Fair Bratislava 2017
EU-Philippines Business Network

EU-Philippines Business Network

Philippines, Makati
Mr. Antonio Alcazar, EU Outreach Consultant

About Us

The EU-Philippines Business Network (EPBN) is a project co-funded by the EU and implemented by a consortium of European Chambers of Commerce based in the Philippines. Its aim is to provide a support framework for European companies, especially SMEs, interested in exporting to or investing in the Philippines. A dedicated team, composed of an executive office and partner coordinators, is working to provide a full spectrum of support services to interested companies. To meet this objective, EPBN adopts a threefold approach of outreach, support services and advocating for a level playing field for EU SMEs. Effectively, it provides a strong support system at every stage of market access to the Philippine market for interested businesses. By pooling together the expertise of partner chambers in the Philippines, coordinating with ASEAN partners and utilizing resources made available by the EU, the project intends to pave way for EU businesses to successfully access one of the fastest growing and most dynamic economies in the South-East Asian region. For more information, please contact our EU outreach consultant Antonio Alcazar at

Areas of Activity

  • other
EU-Philippines Business Network




EU-Philippines Business Network

Participating in
19.9.2017 Expert panel discussion
19.9.2017 B2B negotiations
19.9.2017 Raut

Cooperation Profiles

1. Business support services for Slovak and other EU companies wanting to enter the Philippine market We offer expert assistance to EU-28 companies and industry associations that are interested in accessing the Philippine market. Our services include market intelligence research, import partner search, distribution partner search, subsidised local trade fair representation, trade mission organisation, and other market-building activities. We welcome market access inquiries related to sectors such as energy, smart cities, smart industries, and logistics, among others. 2. Trade Mission to Philconstruct Philippines 2018 A European business pavilion will be featured at Philconstruct - one of the long-standing international construction trade fairs in the Philippines. EU companies specialising in sustainable and innovative building/infrastructure/real estate technologies are highly encouraged to apply. Co-funding opportunities are available to support the participation costs of EU company delegates.


partner supplier


distributor partner